Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Curious Parallels?

Have you ever noticed how divisive American politics has become? The "Conservative" right accuses the left of being socialist! Most of them don't even really know what the word even means. Is it a coincidence that the extreme right are the big 'C' conservatives and the extreme radical Muslims are also the big 'C' conservatives within their own world? Neither one is accepting of any moderation of their extreme viewpoints, yet both are willing to fight each other at the drop of a hat.

What has happened to the common sense of the American people? Why is a narrow and extreme political philosophy so attractive to so many? People, please use the minds God gave you and think. Educate yourselves and stop believing everything the political extremes are selling. Do your own research and learn. Remember, foot notes and documentation authors use can be used to back up any point of view they wish to present. Using information from only those who you agree with will never present a balanced view, presenting all sides of an argument, allowing the reader to truly make up his or her own mind.