Friday, March 11, 2011

Fascism in Michigan?

Are more rights being trampled on? Anyone with common sense would think so!

Michigan's Legislature and new Governor are trying to ram through major changes to Michigan law that could take away voter rights with regard to their city governments and school districts. Just because the Republicans control both houses and the Governor's office does not mean that they should be allowed to follow Wisconsin's lead and ram through any piece of garbage they want to!

This Financial Manager law rewrite would allow the Governor to appoint an Emergency Financial Manager to any city his administration feels is in financial trouble. This manager would have the authority to break union contracts, hire and fire any employee and dismiss the elected official of the affected cities and/or school districts at will, regardless of the will of the voters.

This is a blatant violation the the rights guaranteed in the Constitution and must not be allowed to stand. These actions fit what I read in the definition of Fascism found on Wikipedia or any where else. Please read my last post about this subject. Read the definition from the link I provided in that post and feel free make up your own mind and feel free to leave comments for all to read.

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