Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wisconsin Fascism?

Many protesters during the federal healthcare debates, in the same breath, called President Obama both a socialist and a fascist. How little do they understand how opposed these two political philosophies really are. If you want to see fascism in action you need look no further than this evening's actions by the Republicans in the Wisconsin legislature.

Read Wikipedia's article on Fascism and make up your own mind on what you see.

Conservatives and especially the Tea Party rail against what they term as Fascism while in reality their brand of conservatism is nothing more than the very philosophy that they purport to oppose. The rights of the people as defined in the constitution have been trampled on as never before. Let your state and federal official know that these actions can not be allowed to stand. The party that claims to stand for and defend the constitution does nothing but flout it at every turn. Their actions are both unconstitutional and indefensible.

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