Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Political Advertising Campaigns

If a business intentionally includes false or misleading information in their advertising they can be charged and held liable for publishing that information in order to mislead the consumer. Why is it that when politicians and political organizations do the same their actions fall under free speech and they are not held responsible for their lies?

If they have a legitimate difference of opinion, fine. All I ask is that they back it up with facts and not out of context sound clips and quotes. If your argument can"t stand up to the light of day and be backed up by facts don't attempt to make it. The practice of editing text or video to give a false impression of what was actually said should be held to the same standard as false advertising claims.

I've had enough of this B.S. If the political interests in this country really want the respect and the votes of the people the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth would be a welcome change.

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