Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Broken Government?

I've heard the questions asking if the government is broken. Is that really the right question? I don't believe that the government is broken, rather the people elected to run it are. Often I hear how complicated issues are and I don't really believe it. Squabbling politicians act more like a bunch of children that can't play together in the same sand box more than adults having a civil conversation or debate. More time and energy are spent fighting over ideology than over real issues. None of them have the courage and fortitude to do the right thing for the people. Is it not better to be voted out for doing what is necessary than bowing down to political expediency? I have heard of members of congress who will vote against their own, or their own party's measures, simply because there are not enough votes to ensure passage. That is illogical and cowardly. If all members voted using such logic nothing would ever get passed.

I fully understand differences within a given party. Everyone will not agree on every issue. There is a time and a place to air these differences and in public and the media are not the places. Caucus is the appropriate place for these discussions. Public party splits are not good for anyone. Besides the bad PR the only thing this serves to do is confuse the public and erode support. The Democrats are especially guilty of this. You cannot dig at the foundation of your own house for long before it falls. Perhaps the Canadian system has something to teach its southern neighbor. Discuss the issues in caucus, and with the people represented the make a unified policy and stick with it. Present a unified face to the people and demonstrate real leadership.

Congressional leaders have ample opportunity to discuss and formulate policy with the President. There is no excuse for the leaders of the governing party to differ publicly with the President on major policy issues. In order to be effective leaders, those who hold the positions of authority must show unity in their goals and in their actions. These qualities are solely lacking in the present governing party leadership.

Ideally I think a real third party would help revitalize this wounded system, but I don't see that happening in a so culturally entrenched in a two party philosophy. Believe me, politics is no science and never will be. The term should be political philosophy. Science is about facts. There are very few facts in politics and those that there are are subject to unendingly blurry and interpretation based on theoretical ideologies none of which can stand up to real scientific scrutiny.

Pure unrestrained capitalism is proven to be self destructive. The few greedy will bring the system crashing down every time. If the great depression and this current recession don't prove the point, I don't know what does. On the contrary, pure socialism is as equally unsuccessful. The former USSR is the testament to this as well. We need restraints on both ends of the spectrum in order to maintain a successful balance that is fair for all. There is a real middle ground where all can thrive. If our leaders can get past their extreme ideologies a real middle ground can be found where all can live in prosperity and justice.

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