Sunday, February 28, 2010

Health Insurance Choice

Surely one of the biggest smokescreens in the current health insurance debate is that of consumer choice. Much is made of the choice of consumers as to the coverage plan they wish to purchase while the fact of the matter is that very few people actually have any choice at all! If you are fortunate enough to work for a large company or you can afford to buy your policy as an individual then you may have some choices available to you. Given that many insurance companies had virtual monopolies within given states, little real choice exists for those in those states. For the majority who work for small businesses that can afford insurance for their employees, the choice is what ever plan the employer can get the cheapest. That usually leaves the employee with an option of one plan or nothing. Some choice that is.

In order to control premium costs many benefits are being reduced or eliminated. Is this also not a reduction in choice?

The fact is that choice is only a political argument for the majority of people. No real choice exists!

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