Sunday, March 7, 2010


Some may call the events of my last few days of job searching as serendipitous but I prefer to think that God's hand is at work. An acquaintance of my wife suggested that I apply with her company. I did that and also applied at the competitors store.

Another friend of ours works for the competition at the particular store I applied to. He was working the day I went in with my resume and he informed me that they were hiring only for part-time positions. After a few moments of conversation he informed me that a full time position in commercial electrical sales had opened due to the sudden passing of the employee who held that job. Suddenly I'm looking at a full time day time position with a major retailer and in a field in which I've been working for the past 22 years. I have an interview scheduled for tomorrow morning. A second interview for a part-time seasonal job with the competitor is set for Tuesday morning.

Be it through networking, serendipity or as I choose to believe, the hand of God, I have my first real opportunity in months. I am excited for tomorrow and thankful to all involved for their advice and help in this, the longest job search of my life.

Keep me in your prayers tomorrow. I'll keep you all updated here.

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