Monday, March 15, 2010

Truth in Advertising

What happened to the idea of truth in advertising?

There are laws regulating manufacturer claims about product performance or efficacy in many areas of our lives. Why is it that when industries, special interest groups or politicians try to influence the public about a certain issue, they so often resort to half truths, exaggerations and often, bald faces lies. Though I understand and support the concept of free speech, do not the citizens of this country deserve some sort of consumer protection from these deceits?

The clean energy debate is rife with such deceit. For example, "Clean Coal" is a theory and a technology in development. I does not yet exist in industry and if it comes to be it will be very expensive. The same industry which falsely promotes this technology as if it exists is simultaneously fighting carbon cap and trade policy claiming it will be very expensive and cost thousands of jobs. The truth is that it likely won't be significantly more expensive than the nonexistent "clean coal" technology and as far as jobs go, that is speculation and a scare tactic. Cap and trade can provide some of the funding to encourage clean coal and other alternate energy development leading to new jobs in new industries that don't yet exist.

If you really want to convince someone that your viewpoint is right the best method is truthful education and open debate based on the facts, not on half truths, exaggerations, lies and scare tactics. Syms clothing stores motto says it best. "An educated consumer is our best customer."

We need to hold those who blatantly lie to the public to task for their underhanded deceit.

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