Thursday, March 11, 2010

Immigration Reform?

As a legal immigrant I may have a different perspective on the issue than the politicians and natural born citizens of this country. Is the system as broken as the illegal immigrant lobby, the media and the politicians make it out to be?

The system is cumbersome and very time consuming. Given the bureaucracy involved, I understand some of the problems. However, no amount of rewriting of the laws or changes in procedures and policy will do a bit of good if the Congress acts in the usual manner. That is, the simple error they make in most legislation mandating sweeping changes in anything. They perpetually under fund every program they come up with. Current problems such as border security should come first but I have yet to be convinced that the current system is as broken as we are led to believe. The biggest problem is chronic underfunding. If the funding issues are not resolved first no attempts at reform have a chance at success.

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