Monday, March 8, 2010

Step one

Initial interview with possible employer number one done. Now comes the wait to see if I get called for a second and third. The first interview with employer number two is tomorrow.

I hate the interview process! Psychology and scientific methods, although valuable, seem to have taken the humanity out of the experience. Job hunting in this economy is no picnic but the whole process seems to have become totally sterile. Human resources seems more IT than it does human. Computers read resumes and choose candidates based on using the correct key words. Real people have been taken out of the equation and the subtleties that a human could discern are now lost. The best candidate for a position may be over looked because of a few missing key words and industry specific terms or acronyms.

Computers are wonderful things but they will never be able to replace all the qualities a human can impart to the hiring process.

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