Thursday, March 18, 2010

Why "Free"?

Have you ever noticed that the most popular buzz word in the US is "free"? "Free Trade", "Free Enterprise" and "Free Market" are the words that seem to dominate all economy related discussions.

In recent years this emphasis on all things free has resulted in widespread deregulation of large sectors of the economy. This deregulation is good in theory but we seem to have forgotten why these regulations were instituted in the first place. The excesses and risks of the 1920's lead to the market crash of 1929 and the ensuing "great depression." We now find ourselves in a great recession because the leaders of this country never seem to learn anything from history.

Ninety nine point nine percent of the businesses in this country are run by honest hard working individuals. The problem is that the one tenth of one percent of business leaders are not as honest and are looking to make as much as possible at any cost. They maybe small in number but they seem to be concentrated in the wealthiest and most powerful levels of society. They have a level of wealth where they have very little, if anything, to lose when things go wrong. Their salaries are outrageous and their bonuses, which can pay many times that of their salaries, are truly obscene to the majority of the population. This 0.1 percent have the influence, through their greed and avarice, to bring to whole system down around them.

We need to replace the overuse of the word "free", in our vocabulary with "Fair". We need fair trade, fair enterprise and a fair market. The realization of the american dream for all requires the level playing field of a fair market with reasonable and fair regulation, reasonable and fair taxation, reasonable and fair trade and included in that must be reasonable and fair healthcare.

All the people need is a reasonable and fair opportunity to realize their dreams, not one which gives all the advantages to the elite, ultra wealthy, and powerful. Christ threw the dishonest money changers out of the temple and we should find a way to throw these dishonest "businessmen" out of business and hold them personally responsible for the damage they have caused.

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