Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Corporate Detatchment

One of the keys to being successful in an interview is supposed to be the ability to get some feedback from the interviewer as to what you need to improve in order to be more successful. I get a rejection note in the mail with no hint of personality, humanity or explanation. The person who interviewed me was described to me as having the personality of a rock with eyes. Not exactly an image most companies would like to project. What did I do or say wrong and how am I supposed to learn for the future? I may as well have been interviewed by a computer. Too much time is being spent relying on computer surveys and formulated questions and no time really talking to the applicant to find out what they are really like.

Application and interview systems seem to have become so formulated and automated that employers are likely missing out on hiring the best people for the jobs. Years of face to face interaction with customers means nothing to companies who use these types of hiring methods. Only watching some one interact with customers can truly give an employer an accurate picture of any prospective employee.

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